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What is the internet of things 7 amazing information

Most of you have heard the term “the internet of things” or seen someone talk about it and its impact on humanity in the future, but what is the internet of things?

Have you ever expected your alarm clock to notify your coffee maker that it is about to wake up to your cup of coffee? This is no longer impossible, as this is the function of the internet of things, connecting devices with each other so that they can perform various tasks without the need for human intervention.

the internet of things

In this article, we will learn in detail about everything related to the internet of things, its importance and applications, how it works, and how it will affect our future. We will also learn about 7 important stats at the end of the article.

What is the internet of things?

the internet of things is the concept of connecting any device to the Internet, and from there to other connected devices. the internet of things is a gigantic network that includes both things, devices and people who share data about their use of each other.

This includes a myriad of devices and things that we use in our daily life, starting with smart microwave ovens that prepare your food at the right time on their own. Passing by self-driving cars, which sense objects on the road and deal with them to avoid traffic accidents.

Also fitness devices that can be worn during exercise, or exercise to measure your heart rate, and the number of calories you burn during exercise, and then suggest the exercises most suitable for you.

How does the internet of things work?

Electronic devices and objects with built-in sensors are connected to the IoT platform, which in turn integrates all the data it receives from the connected devices, analyzes that data, and applies analytics so that it shares the most valuable information with applications designed specifically to carry out specific tasks.

These massive IoT platforms can carefully differentiate useful information from information that can be ignored. This information can be used to uncover patterns, make recommendations, and spot potential problems before they happen.

For example, if you own a car manufacturing company, you may want to know which components are the most common (leather seats or tires, for example). By using the internet of things technology, you can do the following:

Use sensors to discover the most in-demand pieces in the showroom and where customers stop by for the longest time.

Dive into analyzing available sales data to quickly identify the ingredients your company sells.

Use that data with the goods displayed automatically, so that you do not run out of those required items from the showrooms.

This information captured by connected devices will enable you to make smart decisions about what goods to store, based on real information based on your customers' requests, which will help you save time and money.

With the insight provided by these advanced analytics, you will have the power to make your plants more efficient than they used to be.

the internet of things applications

Do you know what separates humans from other living things? It is curiosity.

Humans are curious, we wonder a lot, love a challenge, and always strive to build and discover what's better and newer. Curiosity and effort have contributed to our access to all the new technologies that we have come up with today, as electronic devices are likely to become our best friends.

Technology and electronics companies tend to make devices and machines smart enough to do most of the tasks that humans can do, without the need for direct intervention, of course, using the internet of things.

5 of the most important internet of things applications at the moment:

1- Smart homes

In conjunction with the uproar caused by the term "the internet of things", what people search for the most in Google's search engine regarding the internet of things is "smart homes".

Wouldn't you like it if you could turn on the air conditioner before getting home or turn off the lights even after you leave the house? Or opening doors to friends even when you are not at home, it is all possible now.

The cost of owning a smart home is still the biggest cost a landlord will bear in his life, but companies making smart homes promise to save time, energy and money. Some of the most famous of these companies are:


2- Wearables

These devices have seen tremendous demand in markets around the world, and giants in the world of technology such as Google and Samsung have invested heavily in manufacturing such devices.

These devices widely cover the requirements of fitness, health and entertainment. The pre-requisite of the internet of things technology for these devices is that they are highly energy efficient or use very low power and are small in size.

3- Self-driving cars

The focus of car manufacturers today is on improving the interior functions of cars, and interest in enhancing the self-driving car experience is also growing in these companies.

Self-driving cars

Cars today already have many features that make them semi-autonomous, such as parking assist systems and autonomous brakes. There are also currently fully autonomous cars that are able to operate without human intervention.

And you are likely familiar with the version of Google that grabbed the headlines on Google Chauffeur.

Most of the large automakers and some brave startups are entering the self-driving car market. Major brands such as Tesla, BMW, Apple and Google are also revolutionizing the automotive world.

4- Smart cities

Smart cities are another powerful the internet of things app that generates curiosity among the world's population and everyone wishes to have it.

Smart cities

These smart cities include features such as automatic monitoring and transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban security and environmental monitoring. They are all automated and all are examples of the internet of things smart city applications.

the internet of things will solve the major problems that people who live in the city face, such as pollution, traffic congestion, lack of power supply, and other problems that we encounter on a daily basis.

5- Energy management

The power grids of the future will not only be smart enough, but they can be counted on to automate power management tasks as well. As the concept of smart grid has become very popular all over the world.

The basic idea behind smart grids is to collect data in an automated way and analyze the behavior of consumers and suppliers, to improve the efficiency of these networks, as well as to economize the use of electricity.

Read also: All you need to know about artificial intelligence

Information and statistics about the internet of things

1- A massive increase in the number of devices connected to the Internet

As of 2015, about 15.41 billion devices were connected to the Internet, thanks to new wireless technologies and other advancements in the internet of things technology.

It is expected that this number will increase to about 75 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2025, representing an increase of 487%.

2- The number of devices connected to the Internet exceeds the number of people since 11 years

In 2008, the number of devices connected to the Internet exceeded the number of people on the planet, and the ratio of internet-connected devices to all living things in 2018 reached 6: 1, from only 0.8: 1 in 2003.

3- The demand for smart cars has increased dramatically

The demand for cars connected to the Internet is also growing terribly. The American giant AT&T reported. It is one of the largest companies in the field of the internet of things, that out of 48.2 million devices connected on its network at the beginning of 2019, there are 24 million devices, including cars and smart vehicles.

4- the internet of things devices produced more than 500 zettabytes in 2020

The famous Cisco company recently stated that starting in 2020, the internet of things devices will generate more than 500 zettabytes of data annually. For your information, a zettabyte equals one billion terabytes, or trillion gigabytes.

5- the internet of things devices are not as secure as you think

According to a report released by Gemalto, an international information security company, on the security situation of the internet of things in 2020. Only 59% of companies encrypt all the customer data they collect.

The same report also mentioned that less than half of the internet of things companies only feel confident that they can discover every the internet of things devices breach on their networks.

6- the internet of things devices are widely used in agriculture

>the internet of things devices are finding widespread use in agriculture as well. Whereas, smart greenhouses that use the internet of things technology and automation are up to 30% more energy efficient than regular greenhouses over 20 years.

7- Medical devices connected to the internet of things networks may be dangerous

As of close to 2017, only 51% of device makers and 44% of healthcare organizations were following current Food and Drug Administration guidelines to reduce risks inherent in medical devices.

How will the internet of things affect the future?

Everyone is talking about the internet of things, changing the world and bringing about a new scientific and technological revolution. But how is the internet of things changing our lives and how will it affect our future? Will this effect be positive or negative?

>the internet of things is creating a new world, a world where individuals and companies can manage their assets in more informed and simpler ways. And they can make better, timely decisions about what they want or need to do.

And that by collecting and analyzing data on the environment around us. the internet of things will create many practical improvements in our world, increasing the comfort, health and safety of us and all creatures on this planet. At the same time improving energy efficiency and enhancing productivity.

the internet of things has so many possibilities that it is impossible to imagine, and most of these possibilities will happen on the ground in the next few years. One thing is for sure that we will live in an increasingly interconnected world when it comes to electronics.

But we may need to be careful not to separate from other humans because of this.

